5 Crazy Hiddens Facts About Drummers

I have always known drummers to be humble, social and different with great personality, uniqueness and swag (I'm a drummer too, in case you are wondering how I got to know this) but there are few things most people don't know about drummers, making them look so perfect and also forgetting they are humans too ( we are humans but the special kind. Lol). So, here are five(5) crazy things drummers do that makes us human but the special kind 1) Drummers do get angry too. Lol who doesn't??? 2) We sometimes love to show off, even if u have no interest in what we're showing you. 3) Drummers Don't do maths. The only maths we do is counting the quarter, eighth and sixteenth note out loud. 4) We do mess things up "sometimes" Lol. 5) Just like every human, Drummers do LIE. Lol. #Drummers-Do-Crazy-Things #Peace