Every drummer, every musical instrumentalist has had his or her best and worst moments in their career as a professional musician. I am sure you've all (maybe not all) had moments like that. Moments that changed your life as a drummer, moments that made you think twice about playing the drums on a professional level, moments that ruined the relationship you had with your band mates, moments that made you love your life as a drummer and moments that made you make hard and difficult choices as a drummer. Like I said we've all had our best and worst moments as drummers, so today I am going to list out my top three (3) best and worst moments so far in my life as a drummer. Let's start with the worst. WORST MOMENTS: *Being Underestimated: I grew up playing in the church (I still do) and no matter how good you think you are, there are still people in the band or crew who thinks you still aren't good enough to play the big shows. They give you the small Gigs but when ...