
Showing posts from July, 2018


A close friend of mine who also happens to be a drummer like myself came over to my place and asked if he could lend my drum pad for a week. I told him i didn't have one for now and showed him what i use to get my groove going as a drummer. This is my home made drum kit. All i did was look around me, use what i could find and make a drum kit for myself. Note; This is just temporary until i get myself a drum pad. LOL. Click here  to watch me put my home made drum kit together and groove a little. #Drum-Kit #Peace


I have read a lot of articles on getting Gigs and how "networking" should be the number one medium at which you get yourself the Gigs you want. Meeting new people, working with the big guys in the music industry, doing free stuff to get the attention and trust of this guys, playing free gigs and trying as much as possible to create different connections are some of the networking moves needed to get the Gigs. And as you all know there are two ways to market a product : (1) word of mouth (2) social media/online marketing. Same applies here in getting a Gig as a drummer. Networking like I listed above gets you the "word of mouth"(people connecting you and your brand with other people. People saying good stuff about you and how amazing you are on the drum kit etc) and when used by the right people (influencers) can get you the gigs you want. Also, thanks to "social media" you are also able to put yourself out there, build a tribe and get a lot of gigs dep...