Today I am going to share with you my top 10 crazy drum stick ideas. And as we all know drum sticks are sticks specially made for drumming and without it there is no beat, no sound, no music, nothing. We are literally screwed without the drum sticks. So today I thought about tweaking the purpose of the drum stick a little bit and giving it a new one. Something simple, creative, related and non-related to the drums. This ideas might be good or bad but Hey! Who cares? This is just me trying to bring out the potentials hidden inside the drum stick. Lol. So here are my top 10 bad ass drum stick ideas. 1) A drum stick wall hanger: What if I needed a wall hanger in my room? All I need do is gather all the drum sticks I can find, nail them together forming a rectangular shape or any shape I want and nail them to the wall. Damn!!!! This is a bad ass idea. Lol 2) A drum stick screw: Just like the screw driver I should be able to use a specially made drum st...