Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. To be an average drummer ain't that hard. People say it is. A lot of drummers don't wanna be average, I don't know why. But if you do, Just follow this steps. 1) Don't practise: please don't. Practicing is overated. But when ever you do decide to pick up the sticks, don't stress yourself, 30 minutes of practise once or twice a week is enough for you. You might not get better at drumming, who cares! This is what comes with being an average player. 2) Watch for fun: there are lots of drum lessons on Youtube. Bro, ignore them all. Don't do what the good and amazing drummers do. These guys watch both drum lessons and drum covers from professionals. They just don't watch, they also practice and creatively apply them when they play. But you are an average drummer, you don't need the lessons. Just focus on the drum covers or solos by the professionals and keep wishing you can play the drums the way they do. Cheers. ...