Beats Wisdom Mondays
Welcome to 'Beats Wisdom Mondays!' Let the rhythms of life and the beat of drums intertwine in our weekly rhythmic exploration. Every Monday, we delve into inspiring words that groove like the beats of a drum, illustrating the beautiful dance between drumming and life. Let's find the cadence in our thoughts and the harmony in our rhythms. Get ready to jam to the wisdom of the drums: 1) He who jams heavily with no extra pair of sticks, should be ready for an heart break. Always have extra pairs. 2) An unexpected sweet roll should not be attempted the second time. Trust me, it will snare you. Drum wisely." 3) Don't rush. Don't drag. Find the perfect tempo." 4) Life, like a drumming masterpiece, is best played off the sheets, following the beats of your own rhythm." 5) Are your rolls on point (applying rudiments) or just a mixtape of creativity (as the spirit leads)?" #Beats-Wisdom-Mondays #Peace