I am pretty sure we all are familiar with the "practise makes perfect" quote and as such put in so much effort into becoming a better drummer. It's a quote you've all used to motivate yourself into becoming the genius you are today on the drums, to becoming a player that plays smoothly with no mistakes, to becoming a creative drummer and also becoming a drummer that uses the "practise makes perfect" experience to motivate other drummers.

I don't know why but I do feel like I am the only drummer in the world who doesn't take this ancient quote seriously. Don't get me wrong I do practise but not as consistent as I want it to be. There are days where the only thing I want to do is play and practise all the rudiments I can find and there are also days where I have little or no interest holding the sticks or even think of sitting on the drum kit to play something new.

I wasn't happy with the way things were going, so I decided to come up with my own practise routine, something cool and refreshing.
Note: this routines are based on moods, events, time, days and weeks. I also listed out the days and hours for each practise routine.

1) Being Motivated: on days like this all I want to do is play, play and play till I get tired of playing. I don't joke with days like this and so I give it my all. I practise rudiments, I play to old music, I re polish old skills, read music, do groove exercise and enjoy every moment.
*Motivated days in a week: 3 - 4 days
*Motivated hours in a day: Unlimited

2) Not Being Motivated: sometimes having a non motivated day can be caused by stress, waking up on the wrong side of the bed and also distractions from girlfriends or video games. So I try as much as possible not to force my self to play when I get in this mood but if I eventually decide to play, I only play old stuff and I also try not to practise any new skill when non-motivated because it's gonna be a waste of time and energy.
*Non-motivated days in a week: 2 - 4 days.........(it also depends on the kind of week you having)
*Non-motivated hours in a day: 2 - 30 minutes

3) Compulsory Practise for a Gig(CPG): it's days like this that gets every drummer on his/her best behaviour. You really don't need to be motivated or non motivated to practise, all you need think about is how you are going to practise the song(s) to perfection and also execute them smoothly on the drum kit. A compulsory practice routine for a Gig + A successful score on the Gig = More Gigs and opportunities.
*CPG days in a week: depends on the gig and the time given to practise/prepare for the gig.
*CPG hours in a day: 2 - 4 hours

4) Practising New Rudiments (PNR): We All practise new rudiments for reasons best known to us. Some do it with it the aim of showing off to their friends and band mates, others do it to improve their skills as a drummer and some just do it to learn new tricks for future purposes. I do practise new rudiments to improve my skill as a drummer and on days like this I make sure I get and apply the new rudiments on the drum kit smoothly/perfectly.
*PNR days in a week: 1 - 3 days
*PNR hours in a day: 1 - 4 days

5) Staying Through On Being A Better Player: to accomplish this routine you must at least practise everyday for an hour or two every week. This seems impossible but I know there are drummers who regardless of being motivated or not, regardless of CPG or PNR still find time to practise and Polish their skill as a drummer. Doing this takes lot of time and hard work and also takes discipline but nothing is impossible of you and I put our mind to it. There are no evaluated days or hours for this routine, all you and I need is to stay through to doing the things (practising, studying, playing) we love and enjoy doing the most as a drummers.

This is just me and my crazy practise routine.



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