Data Analyst On Weekdays. Drummer On Weekends
They say you’ve got to have multiple sources of income if you want to make it big or you want to survive in this our dear country Nigeria, coz one hustle equal to no hustle at all. They say if you’re not hustling, grinding and suffering then you are not ready for success.
For me the goal has
always been to play the drums and make money from playing alone. I have always
believed in this quote “make your passion your profession and work will become
play”. Beautiful quote by the way.
Coz who says you can’t
become a millionaire from playing the drums alone, who? I have seen others do
it, so it is not impossible.
I have come to
realize that not everyone will have it that smooth. Not every drummer is gonna
make so much money from playing the drums alone, in fact some won’t even make any
at all. As sad as it sounds, that is the reality that we live in.
So, what do we do? Or
what did I do, coz I happen to be amongst the set of drummers that are
making little to nothing from playing just the drums.
Easier said than
done. But I had to. I just had to. So, 2020 (the pandemic year) and thanks to YouTube,
I started my lessons on DATA ANALYSIS and it has been a rollercoaster.
Not like I am making
millions from Data Analysis right now but it’s better than just depending on the
drums alone. If one doesn’t pay, the other might must pay.
Am I still optimistic
about playing the drums and making good money from it? YES, I AM but if it doesn’t
happen, IT IS WHAT IT IS. We move. Lol.
So right now, I am a
Drummer and a freelance Data Analyst. I do both well. Very well.
This is Twenty – Twenty
– Two……… the goal is to keep the passion alive and also try not to be broke. LOL.
Great. Blessings