I Refuse To Compete
Growing up we were told competition makes us stronger or competition brings out the best in us. In school we were encouraged to compete coz that was the only way we could be better. We focused more on ourselves than on others…… we did things, strived hard at our academics, careers and also in life just to get applauds from people. We get jealous when we see our peers doing better and then we swear to be better and greater than our peers by any means possible. What a miserable way to live. Lol.
We were never taught to be the best version of ourselves. And most importantly we were never told or taught that the things we learn from this world are not the standard on how best to live one’s life.
And so, what is the best standard? THE WORD OF GOD. Your shocked right?
6:4 says: Let
everyone be devoted to fulfill the work God has given them to do with excellence,
and their joy will be in doing what’s right and being themselves, and not being
affirmed by others. (The Passion Translation).
12:2 says: Stop
imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly
transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think.
This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying
and perfect in his eyes. (The Passion Translation).
More Scriptures
(Philippians 2:3-4, James 3:14-15, Proverbs 14:30) …… if you don’t own a bible
just google the scriptures. Thank you.
Now this is
the standard.
We were
born into a corrupt word, with all these things (competition, envy, jealousy) been
seen as normal. But it is not. This is not how I want to live and this is not how
you should live.
As a
drummer I have decided to live by Gods standard. So, I refuse to compete. I refuse
to be jealous when I see a drummer play better than me. I refuse to envy any
drummer or the things they do. I refuse to compete.
INSTEAD, I focus
on myself. The only person I should be competing with is ME. I don’t learn, practice
hard coz I want to play better than you, I do these things to be a better
version of myself as a drummer and also a human being.
3:13 says: Put your
heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord
and not merely for others. (The Passion Translation).
This is
like a reminder to myself to always be on the right track.
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